Science fiction nerds

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas.

Well it is christmas eve and I'm preparing for it. I just saw the sixth Star Trek and it was good, but rather sad. It ended with this quote, " This is the last voyage of the Starship Enterpirse under my command, after this, it will be at some one else's command., and it will be their job to discover strange new worlds, to seek out new life, and new civilization, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
I weep for Star Trek, but the Next Generation is coming, until their season gets terminated. I do still believe that Star trek is more popular than Wars. Look at the number of movies and Series. I have not been on lately because of Nation states. I have recently been appointed Ambassador to seek out alliances with other regions. It is fun. If you want to see my nation, go to
Merry Christmas, Happy new year and Live long and prosper.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Safety Alert!!!!

We have had another breach in safety yet again I suggest Hamilton sends invites to all members of DCMC and any other friends and make admin's only!No Posts will be made until 24 hours after this post is published.We are in Red Alert!
Security Admin

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ground Battles

Let us begin ST vs SW thing.First of all this is a strict ground battle no orbital support but vehicular support such as a tank is fine,you may use small craft if you choose to attack other small craft it depends only if the attack chooses so,if not there are none.You first have units no elite units may be substituted in place of normal ones for instance you cannot use Federation Commandos in place of Starfleet personnel and so forth.You must have theatre army number of normal troops or 200,000 troops, and a Battalion of Elite units with 1000 of them and supplied with 100 vehicles of choice and you may have about 100 heavy vehicles, 500 medium vehicles,1000 light vehicles, 1000 artillery pieces and your normal troops depending on terrain or standard issue will use such but you may have some specialized groups.You may any type of weapon suitable for some units in your army you may divide up your army depending on type of weapon and no medical help either so they are either captured,dead,alive,or wounded.Good luck to all!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

War Campaign of The Empire

Operation Shadow Scorcher:Since you got to go first I now go rampaging through your galaxy you must choose your faction preferably one with lots of allies.The rules are you cannot steal enemy tech, use canon evidence, and no God like beings like Q or a God.Everything else goes.Also you may use all your forces at your disposal. Also they enter each others galaxies through a wormhole. Let the War begin!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Star Trek vs Star Wars:Fleet battle.

You must each choose a planet to defend in Space.You may your Battlestation of choice from our universe.
Fleets will be in order like.
1 flagship
3 Support Flagships
25 main capital ships
50 frigates
100 corvettes or etc
X interceptor/fighter depending on how much fleet can hold
X bomber
X Attack Role.
Also if you are the defender you may have 3 defensive battlestations.
Let the Battle begin.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


The ballots have been somewhat cast.
The winners are:
Best Goodguy-Luke Skywalker
Best Badguy-Darth Vader
Best Main Starship-U.S.S Enterprise
Best Starship-Monitor class
Best homeworld- Tatooine
Best battelstation-Deep Space 9
Best ground vehicle-At-AT
Best ground soldier-Jaffa soldier
Best space marine-Space trooper
Best Alien-Gorn
Best Robot-Cylon.
If there are any objections,too bad the voting is over. P.S. Tran, you can't mess with any of this stuff.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Best ground weapon

Finally, the last spot. This means handheld weapon for anyone who doesn't know:
Klingon Bat Leth-Star Trek
Phaser-Star Trek
Imperial arc caster- Star Wars
P-90-Star Gate
Pulse energy weapon-Star gate ( I can not find the name, but it seen many times being used by the Jaffa)
Anyway, Place your ballots and I will help make the teams.

Best Robot

C-3Po-Star wars
Battle Droid-Star Wars
Super battle droid-Star Wars
Destroyer Droid-Star Wars
R2-D2 Line-Star Wars
Cylon-Battlestar Galactica
As always.

Best Alien

Many species here:
Wookie-Star Wars,
Jawa-Star Wars,
Tusken Raider-Star Wars,
Vulcan-Star Trek,
Klingon-Star Trek,
Romulan-Star Trek,
Asguard-Star Gate.
As Always.

Best Space Marine

Space Commando-Star Wars,
Space Commando-Star Trek
As always

Best Space Marine

Space Commando-Star Wars,
Space Commando-Star Trek
As always