War Campaign of The Empire
Operation Shadow Scorcher:Since you got to go first I now go rampaging through your galaxy you must choose your faction preferably one with lots of allies.The rules are you cannot steal enemy tech, use canon evidence, and no God like beings like Q or a God.Everything else goes.Also you may use all your forces at your disposal. Also they enter each others galaxies through a wormhole. Let the War begin!
Also you have knowledge of where every planet/system is and I make my move by moving the Eclipse class Star Dreadnought in with the Galaxy Gun.My move is to fire the Galaxy Gun at Earth and Fire.Boom bye bye Earth the galaxy gun is highly shielded and can destroy planets,landmasses and cities.
By Atran, at 3:25 PM
Also the wormhole is in the Gamma Quadrant.
By Atran, at 6:37 PM
Still What???????????
By hamilsquad, at 8:46 PM
I will explain :Me use giant bazooka to make planet go boom.
By Atran, at 8:57 PM
My move is not over I deploy the Sun Crusher(it is indestructible)
By Atran, at 9:02 PM
Or do you want me to deploy all the imperial fleet which has millions of ships(capitol) and trillions of fighters.
By Atran, at 9:04 PM
Actually I will deploy 100 Star Destroyers.BTW Earth is gone along with Orbital Plantia shipyards Starfleet Academy and Headquarters and I deploy all those ships in Hyperdrive and attack all your colony Worlds so you have 2 choices now keep a strong core defense and let those planets distress calls be unanswered which will unvoke political turmoil making planets secede or join us or your help them and I attack your core worlds with my Hyperdrive capablee ships...muhahahaha.
By Atran, at 9:10 PM
Ok screw this I order all my ISD's to BDZ those planets.Or in your terms:me make planet look like shiny colors or I turn it into molten slag.
By Atran, at 10:46 AM
My Faxtion is as follows: THE TRIBBLES! (No I haven't gone insane.
By hamilsquad, at 12:06 PM
.......I am thinking you have gone insane pick a faction preferably one that has allies the Empire will squash you like a bug in your own universe,Ok here I go I deploy Centerpoint Station the Death Stars,Tarkin Station,Eye of Palpatine,Sun Crusher,Sovereign class,Orbital Nightcloak,the World Devastators, or to make this list shorter all Superweapons plus a huge Imperial Guard fleet even though I could produce 1000 Star Destroyers a month or 100 a week.
By Atran, at 1:01 PM
These weapons will reek havoc,trust me.
By Atran, at 1:02 PM
And since this is no turns just real time.I will use Centerpoint Station which is powerful enough to move planets and Stars and cause Stars to go Supernova I order it to crash Romulas and Remus into each other.Muhahahaha.
By Atran, at 1:04 PM
I order the World Devastators to head towards Quonos and Hof'Maso and destroy them,BTW the World Devastators work by basically eating planets.
By Atran, at 1:06 PM
I will use Orbital Nightcloaks on Vulcan which does this:It basically doesn't let light into the planet bacically freezing BTW these weapons are guarded by an Executor class.
By Atran, at 1:08 PM
You going to do something I have basically destroyed most of your planetary capitals.
By Atran, at 1:08 PM
I deploy Darksaber to Bajora and basicaly it is like a Death Star...bye,bye Bajora.
By Atran, at 1:12 PM
I deploy the Tarkin with an escort of a Super Class Star Destroyer to Ferenginar,the Tarkin is like a stripped down Death Star only with a Superlaser so bye bye Ferenginar.
By Atran, at 1:17 PM
I deploy the Sun Crusher to Cardassia and Basically destroy the Star with its resonance torpedo causing the Star to go Supernova destroying th system ouch!
By Atran, at 1:19 PM
Painful isn't it!Death toll for your galaxy is massive like in the Trillions.
By Atran, at 1:20 PM
I now use the Omega Frost weapon on Andoria which basically freezes the planet and everything on it.There goes more people...I am cruel aren't I.
By Atran, at 1:38 PM
You are really good at talking to no one,it is a term called schitzefrenia, I'm sure you heard it from your doctor many times, and I did choose the tribbles because they have a reproduction system better than anything, having babies every 30 seconds and they have a tranquilizing effect on the Human's affectionate system, making them the perfect enemy for your clones.
By hamilsquad, at 1:41 PM
And now I unleash the Force Harvester which uses in cojunction with the dark Reaper to Destroy every living being on Tellar Prime it works like this it harvests all the Force in a given area then harnesses it into energy and then the Dark Reaper shoots beams out in a radiu along with Dark Side powered turbolasers killing every living being on the planet and yes there is force in your universe because it surrounds every livng thing there goes all the Federation's founding species homeworlds.
By Atran, at 1:44 PM
uhh clones...no the empire uses recruits and clones but the Tribbles don't have anything to match my firepower....and I forgot to use the Death Star on Alpha Centauri.
By Atran, at 1:46 PM
And talking to no one I was just posting what I was doing...and at least I know what to do to conquer your galaxy.
By Atran, at 1:48 PM
And could you do something i am getting bored as it is destroying your planets.
By Atran, at 1:49 PM
Affectionate...clones are programmed not to have any emotions.
By Atran, at 1:51 PM
Now that my weapons are done destroying I will move them back to the wormhole,that is a good days work or are you going to attack me?
By Atran, at 1:56 PM
Please do something!
By Atran, at 2:07 PM
Fine I destroy Iota Geminorum IV with the 3 Sovereigns superlasers there goes the Tribbles and they only tranqualize with sound and only when touch so one Imperials aren't going to touch them 2 the Stormtrooper helmets will probably block the sounds.
By Atran, at 2:10 PM
You bore me.
By Atran, at 3:13 PM
Well then I rechoose my faction, I choose the Metrons, no Gods huh, well that means no force.
By hamilsquad, at 4:32 PM
You killed hundreds of innocent tribbles, they are looking at you sadly and the metrons are mad now!!! The metrons, are a alien race, capable of great fighters, watch out!
By hamilsquad, at 4:34 PM
Ummm you choose a faction means a permanent one and another thing you try fighting those superweapons.
By Atran, at 6:05 PM
NO CHEATING you have to have 1 permanent faction you cannot switch!
By Atran, at 6:06 PM
And if the Empire has deployed superweapons like those a lot and killed trillions why do they care now about tribbles?
By Atran, at 6:07 PM
Also it was 1 metron on an episode we cannot tell whether he was the only one and you must choose a Faction and frankly their is not much information on that faction so the tribbles was choice you have to stick with them or pick another major faction,even though their capitols are either gone or in ruin.
By Atran, at 6:09 PM
oops more actually and they are unknown and therefore cannot be used.
By Atran, at 6:10 PM
Would you rather surrender or have me go on another intergalactic rampage meaning I deploy all my ships half BDZ small colonies while the rest go on planet destroying and pillaging?
By Atran, at 6:56 PM
Can you do something since this is your blog make a new post or something...Oh wait he is watching Star Trek.
By Atran, at 7:12 PM
Can you do something since this is your blog make a new post or something...Oh wait he is watching Star Trek.
By Atran, at 7:12 PM
I can imagine Lee saying:"I am Nerdicus" and all of you follow...hehehe.
By Atran, at 8:00 PM
Also the Galactic Alliance is just as powerful as the Galactic Empire without superweapons because the Republic class Star Destroyer is like the Imperial class and the Viscount class is like the Executor class with its 2000 turbolasers.
By Atran, at 9:31 PM
Fine then I choose, the chicken looking things on the episode Catspaw. The can set up illusions on your ships and hypnotize your crew to make a death run on your ships.
By hamilsquad, at 3:50 PM
On all of you ships, they have hypnotized the entire crew and made them crash into each other.
By hamilsquad, at 3:51 PM
1. They have to get on the ship 2. Most of these weapons don't have crews like the Galaxy Gun and Some Superweapons and the Imperial ships cannot overpower any of the superweapons smarts.3. and the hypnotized thing doesn't work well when oh say...THEY ARE ALREADY HYPNOTIZED BY THE EMPEROR so that doesn't work either pick a force that works and also Imperials just shoot everything friendliness is not their strong point so anything they think is strange goes boom.
By Atran, at 4:30 PM
Also a government no species also thanks to your info I order the Galaxy Gun to Shoot planet Pyris VII.
By Atran, at 4:33 PM
I move the Galaxy GUn back into the wormhole to get more ammo.
By Atran, at 4:35 PM
I pull it back in and fire on Tholia.
By Atran, at 4:39 PM
Then I use another Missle on Orion.
By Atran, at 4:40 PM
Next I fire on Delphi and After that new switzerland.
By Atran, at 4:41 PM
Next I send World Devastators to Lysia.
By Atran, at 4:48 PM
For safety reasons I shoot another Galaxy Gun Missle at the Unicomplex.I use the Centerpoint station to Move the planet Breen into its star and you know what happens.I use the Eclipse class' superlaser on Betazed. I use the Death Star on Xindus.I use the Eye of Palpatine which is basically planetary Bombardment on Nausicaa.And I use the Sun Crusher on Organia's Star.LastI use Omega Frost on Zeon.And last but not least I use the Orbital Nightcloak on Bolarus IX.
By Atran, at 5:06 PM
That is a lot of destroyed homeworlds.
By Atran, at 5:06 PM
Got anything to say...oh I forgot I use the Death Star on Planet Gorn.
By Atran, at 5:12 PM
This race was also able to freeze ships in space, so they are sitting ducks.
By hamilsquad, at 6:20 PM
The fact that I haven't sent anyships yet and my ships are in the Gamma Quadrant means nothing to you they are gone i shot it with the Galaxy Gun!
By Atran, at 6:40 PM
You made all of these planet destroyers up.(yes I can see right through you.)
By hamilsquad, at 4:51 PM
Uh no check here http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Superweapons
By Atran, at 5:22 PM
They are all real.I use canon evidence these are powerful weapons.
By Atran, at 5:22 PM
Also the effects of these weapons are canon too.
By Atran, at 5:24 PM
So I win I will start a new topic unless you forfeit or do something.
By Atran, at 8:05 PM
That was made totally to Star Wars, and if you can use this, then I can use these:
World Eater,
Galaxy destroyer,
Qua De KaMach,
and the Tetroyn radiation.
By hamilsquad, at 3:53 PM
Cannot use those because those don;t even exist you made it up mine were real canon check the link gosh.
By Atran, at 6:46 PM
Two of them were,the Qua De LaMach was real and tetroyon radiation was from the 10th movie.
By hamilsquad, at 10:09 AM
The Radiation thing is real but source for the Qua bla bla.
By Atran, at 10:15 AM
Wait those 2 are not! I checked Star Trek Nemesis already and no archives of it so prove it and stop making stuff up!
By Atran, at 10:20 AM
How do they work if they even exist I checked A Star Trek Wiki and no account of it was found.
By Atran, at 10:24 AM
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