Science fiction nerds

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Safety Alert!!!!

We have had another breach in safety yet again I suggest Hamilton sends invites to all members of DCMC and any other friends and make admin's only!No Posts will be made until 24 hours after this post is published.We are in Red Alert!
Security Admin


  • I don't think either of you know all of them. Tran, you don't have full administrative powers, so you can't access the members page. Hamilton will have to. Hamilton, go to "Settings" then "Members" at DCMC. Then take all the email addresses and send invitations to the members.

    By Blogger de prachtige een, at 3:29 PM  

  • Phasers to full, shields up, Photon torpedoes onine, this is important. Sorry, I just watched Troops.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 7:51 PM  

  • Same and Hamilton told me to here and I really don't know anyone.

    By Blogger Atran, at 9:41 AM  

  • Also to keep on topic with the topic of this blog Star Wars>Star Trek.

    By Blogger Atran, at 10:51 AM  

  • Ooops I think I mean Star Wars would win.

    By Blogger Atran, at 10:52 AM  

  • Have you seen TROOPS yet? It is a hilarious version of cops, but in Star Wars format.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 10:26 AM  

  • I have it is very interesting.

    By Blogger Atran, at 6:44 PM  

  • "Bridge to engine room, we need warp in five minutes or we are all dead. I cannon do it commander.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 3:42 PM  

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