Science fiction nerds

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Best ground weapon

Finally, the last spot. This means handheld weapon for anyone who doesn't know:
Klingon Bat Leth-Star Trek
Phaser-Star Trek
Imperial arc caster- Star Wars
P-90-Star Gate
Pulse energy weapon-Star gate ( I can not find the name, but it seen many times being used by the Jaffa)
Anyway, Place your ballots and I will help make the teams.


  • hi

    By Blogger Unknown, at 9:45 AM  

  • Who do you vote for?

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 10:13 AM  

  • Arc Caster....I think not it is a commando weapon a better more common weapon is the E-11 blaster rifle standard issue.

    By Blogger Atran, at 10:33 AM  

  • pssssssst I think Lee will make your blog a servant of his.

    By Blogger Atran, at 5:29 PM  

  • Can we instead have one of us build our own team out of a show and then go? For mine I choose Star Wars.

    By Blogger Atran, at 6:46 PM  

  • Why did the Borg cross the Road?

    By Blogger Atran, at 2:27 PM  

  • To assimilate the chicken.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 2:54 PM  

  • No to assimalate the other side.

    By Blogger Atran, at 3:16 PM  

  • Mine makes sense too.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 4:41 PM  

  • Where is the chicken?

    By Blogger Atran, at 5:28 PM  

  • And Borg only Assimalate Civilizations not individuals.

    By Blogger Atran, at 5:28 PM  

  • They can assimilate individuals if they see fit or if they cause harm.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 9:13 PM  

  • What harm is there in a chicken?

    By Blogger Atran, at 10:00 PM  

  • It might be useful to have assimilated chicken meat. Yes the borg still do need to eat, but they get fed, and oh in my book, Tran get's killed, *HAHA*.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 9:30 AM  

  • ......need to eat when have you ever seen them eat?Chicken I doubt they will assimalate one chicken for meat it won't feed much if they eat and they would take you first because you have a book with Picard on the cover and William Shatner on te Back.

    By Blogger Atran, at 1:08 PM  

  • These posts are getting boring why don't we just pit forces in moch battles.

    By Blogger Atran, at 2:24 PM  

  • Tran doesn't get assimilated, his ship get's blown up and he is sucked out into the empty void of dark space, from which there is no return. Also, in that book, the borg assimilate two dogs, yet they are individual's.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 2:38 PM  

  • Sounds fun, after I make the results I will make you a contributor.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 2:38 PM  

  • I probably know a lot more about Star Wars than anyone else in the school.

    By Blogger Atran, at 6:33 PM  

  • This is getting so boring I think watching paint dry is more interesting.

    By Blogger Atran, at 11:51 AM  

  • Why does Lee hate popular kids too much or jocks hatred like that contributed to Columbine.

    By Blogger Atran, at 4:18 PM  

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