Science fiction nerds

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas.

Well it is christmas eve and I'm preparing for it. I just saw the sixth Star Trek and it was good, but rather sad. It ended with this quote, " This is the last voyage of the Starship Enterpirse under my command, after this, it will be at some one else's command., and it will be their job to discover strange new worlds, to seek out new life, and new civilization, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
I weep for Star Trek, but the Next Generation is coming, until their season gets terminated. I do still believe that Star trek is more popular than Wars. Look at the number of movies and Series. I have not been on lately because of Nation states. I have recently been appointed Ambassador to seek out alliances with other regions. It is fun. If you want to see my nation, go to
Merry Christmas, Happy new year and Live long and prosper.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Safety Alert!!!!

We have had another breach in safety yet again I suggest Hamilton sends invites to all members of DCMC and any other friends and make admin's only!No Posts will be made until 24 hours after this post is published.We are in Red Alert!
Security Admin