Science fiction nerds

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Best Starship

Here are the best main starships
Millenium falcon-Star Wars
Enterprise-Star Trek
Defiant-Star Trek
Deep Space 9-Star Trek
Voyager-Star Trek
As always.


  • Main Starships...Deep Space Nine is a base not A ship you moror,Millenium Falcon uh no,I think the X-wing is better in smaller category Bigger is Imperial Because they are seen in Every Trilogy Movie.

    By Blogger Atran, at 8:39 PM  

  • Deep Space 9 is counted as a ship because it is where the main characters stay for 10 sesaons and they only leave that to go to the Defiant. The Millenium Falcon should be on there because it is the main ship along with the X-wing.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 8:45 PM  

  • Millenium Falcon no it is suppoert ship it is behind the Star Destroyer which is an icon of Star Wars and If you say the DS9 is a ship,how just because somebody stays on something doesn't mean it is a ship,than the Death Star should be counted as a ship it has the ability to also traverse space.

    By Blogger Atran, at 8:47 PM  

  • What Ship?So should we make a separate Main Bad Guy ship?I say we should.

    By Blogger Atran, at 9:07 PM  

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