Science fiction nerds

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Best Bad Guy

it is now time for best badguy, here are the contestants:
Darth Vader-Star Wars
borg queen- Star Trek
Raith king-Stargate
7-Battlestar Galactica
Tripod-War of the worlds
and gouald king-Star gate (that is spelled correctly)
The votes will come and I will see who wins. Same thing, contact me if someone else should be put on.


  • You said Bad Guy not bad guys supply specific bad guys and Don't forget the Emperor.

    By Blogger Atran, at 8:36 PM  

  • Technically, the borg and gouald are one bad guy, because they feast on unity of all lifeforms. But who really cares.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 8:42 PM  

  • So if I put one guy against a civilization would that be fair uh no So pick a specific one.

    By Blogger Atran, at 8:43 PM  

  • Much Better.

    By Blogger Atran, at 8:58 PM  

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