Science fiction nerds

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Star trek

Star trek is on every Saturday at 6 so don't miss it. They are digitally remastered on channel 11.


  • Gee, you're really into Star Trek.

    By Blogger de prachtige een, at 7:49 PM  

  • It's kinda annoying.

    By Blogger ilovebroadway, at 4:35 PM  

  • Revenge is on its way...

    By Blogger Atran, at 11:03 PM  

  • Oh really?

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 10:11 AM  

  • Not on you I trust you...maybe Lee like telling everyone in school the website but I may or may not choose to if nessacary yet knowledge is powerful and if they know where to search it can crush them like your comments abotu the popular kids may steal the vote...

    By Blogger Atran, at 11:14 AM  

  • May I remind you that revenge is a doubled sided sword, and remember, I still like Dcmc.

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 3:57 PM  

  • Tran, I had to kick you off. If I hadn't, I would have failed in my duty as Lead Moderator. We may have to relocate to a different blog...

    By Blogger de prachtige een, at 4:40 PM  

  • Yah you would really relocate, but where? *hint, hint*

    By Blogger hamilsquad, at 5:12 PM  

  • If we have to, I'll sent members an email, after talking to Cholvin.

    By Blogger de prachtige een, at 10:49 AM  

  • Note to self tell all the popular kids place of blog and hey smart guy I am not that dumb I check your profiles you make a new blog I get address and popular kids laugh their butts off listening to you guys and I know a lot of them on myspace to tell.So mo matter where you relocate I will be one step ahead of you I have indeed betrayed you.

    By Blogger Atran, at 11:23 AM  

  • Even if you do evacuate I can tell them what you matter what you do I will know and codes oh please one of you will probably get tired and stop using it or you use it.

    By Blogger Atran, at 11:48 AM  

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